Current Projects
Project Buchanan
Initiated 15 years ago, construction of the final building, the Elementary school, is underway in Buchanan.

Scan QR code to give to Project Buchanan

Project Monrovia
Office complex construction work in the capital Monrovia.

Scan QR code to give to Project Monrovia

DIY Events
You can create and host a fundraising event for a school, pastor, any other Kingdom leader or project!
- Are you a teacher and you’d like to raise support for a school?
- Want to host a bake sale, garage sale, run or walkathon to support a Kingdom leader (teacher, pastor, church planter, medical worker), or project?
Sponsor a Local Pillar Mission School
Changing the course of a generation
You can invest in a local Liberian teacher by sponsoring a school. Your investment will allow the teachers to have a Liberian-based full-time salary. And, you can know that your teacher will be a local, dynamic follower of Jesus Christ who will be committed to discipling their students in their classroom.
To receive a list of local teachers in the schools ready to be sponsored and to find out more write us at [email protected].
Investing in a Local Liberian Pastor
Pastors and Church Planters
Make an eternal difference by investing in a Liberian pastor or church planter. Your investment will allow the pastor to support their family, while at the same time make new disciples and shepherd their congregation. And, you can know that your pastor will be a local, dynamic follower of Jesus Christ who will be committed to discipling their congregation and to expanding God’s Kingdom.
To receive a list of pastors/church planters ready to be sponsored and/or to find out more, write us at [email protected].
Invest in a Medical Clinic
Po River Medical Clinic
Help fulfill Jesus’ desire to see people know full and abundant life by investing in much needed healthcare for the Yarnee District of Rivercess County, Liberia. You can support the clinic in multiple ways by investing in its staff and/or in a variety of needs the clinic has from equipment to facilities.
To receive a list of medical staff to support or current equipment or facility needs please write us [email protected].
School Construction Project/Site Projects/Microbusiness Development

Constructing a building with Pillar Missions represents lives changed for eternity. Inside of these walls, children will be led to Christ, physical ailments will be healed in Jesus name, and disciples will be made, who will change future generations.
Site projects include sustainable agriculture projects such as coconut and cocoa plantations, soccer/sports fields, landscaping, and water well development (hand and electrical wells), and rainwater harvesting.
Microbusiness development projects are greatly needed to allow our missions work in Liberia to be self-sufficient. As we develop these entrepreneurial projects, we will help to increase the longevity of our work in Liberia.
To receive a list of current building projects, site projects, and micro business projects write us at [email protected].