Seize The Day and Advance God's Kingdom!

Make the most of every opportunity...Ephes. 5:16

At Pillar Missions, seizing opportunity and advancing God’s Kingdom is all that we are about.

Is God asking you to join with Pillar Missions? 

Together we can make an eternal impact by investing in teachers, pastors, Christian leaders, and projects that are expanding God’s Kingdom throughout the nations.

Welcome from Executive Director, David Leister

Meet Noah Moody

Noah is the Operations Director at Po River. He oversees the work in the River Cess county of Liberia and also teaches at the Oceanview River School.

Sponsoring Local Pillar Missions Schools

Listen in as one of our math teachers invests in the math knowledge of his students. You can help a teacher like him by sponsoring a school!

Click below to learn more about sponsoring a school…

Sponsoring Pastors and Church Planters

Here, Pastor Abel (Church Planter, Caldwell, Liberia) is thanking God for your investment in his new church. Our Pillar Missions investors purchased these chairs in January 2023, to support his growing Church.

Click below to learn more about sponsoring a local pastor…

Medical Missions and Expansion Projects

You can make an eternal difference by investing in medical missions, new facilities, and other projects that fulfill Jesus’ desire for people to experience life to the fullest.

Investor Stories…

Child sponsorship

For a long time, it was our dream and prayer to see orphans sponsored. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world,” James 1:27. Specifically, we wanted to ensure that they could attend a godly Christian school that would help them grow in their relationship with the Lord, get a good education, and have enough food to eat, especially at school. It gives us such great joy to see this dream becoming reality! And our joy keeps growing each time we see additional partners sponsoring additional orphans! “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,” 2 Corinthians 1:3.

– M & C, California

The 2023 Poker Run to raise funds to purchase motorbikes for our Regional Directors happened on June 4th.

The reason I participated in the Liberian Motorbike fundraiser is to echo Bro. Gary’s words, “to do something that you love to do and bless others with that is indeed a blessing.” Thank You, Lord, for blessing me.

– Bob Burzynski, New Jersey

Pillar Missions invited our supporters to invest in our pastors. Most of our pastors in Liberia have never owned a study-Bible. With our investors’ support, we were able to give 50 African study Bibles to our senior and associate pastors.

With his study Bible & water-resistant bag,

Pastor Benjamin T. Munford, Paynesville, Liberia

Our family is so excited to see these pastors receive the African Study Bibles. Because of the generosity of many people, God’s Kingdom is being built!! May God bless these pastors who shepherd their people through the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ and His mighty Word!

– Caleb & Miranda Smith, Canada

We want to equip the Liberian Pastors in the work God has called them to do. We’ve seen the fruit of missions work and believe God will use these bibles to change the lives of both the pastors and the people the Lord leads them to minister to.

– Frank & Sally, New Jersey

We look forward to welcoming you as one of our Kingdom investors

Group of people holding hands